3:25 (horloge au mur) | |
Ed découvre Nadine inconsciente. Il appelle une ambulance pour le 422 Riverside. | ![]() |
Lucy transmet le soi-disant message de Leo (en realite de Bobby) a Cooper and Truman. Leland interroge Truman pour savoir s’il a arrete un suspect. Will rentre chez lui. |
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James donne à Cooper la cassette de Laura. Cooper lui apprend que Jacoby est a l ‘hopital et l’interroge a propos de la cocaine trouvee dans son reservoir d’essence. |
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Au « One Eyed Jack’s », les islandais (Einar Thorson) signent le contrat Ghostwood |
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Par téléphone, Ben demande à Hank de procéder a l’operation. |
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Bobby vient à la recherche de Shelly chez les Johnson. Il est attaqué par Leo, armé d’une hache. Hank, de l’exterieur, tire sur Leo. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Catherine découvre Shelly a la scierie et la delivre. Le feu se déclare.
Catherine: I can’t understand a word you’re saying… you have a thing in your mouth!
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Leland déclenche l’alarme et profite de la panique pour tuer Jacques Renault en l’étouffant avec son oreiller. Jacoby le vois. (Jacoby a Cooper, 2003) |
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Pete s’élance dans la scierie en proie aux flammes a la recherche Catherine | ![]() |
Ben signe le contrat et veux « voir » la nouvelle fille du One Eyed Jack’s (Audrey)
Ben : « Close your eyes. This is the stuff as dreams are made of. »
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4:37 am (Cooper a Diane) | |
Cooper regagne sa chambre d’hotel, remarque le calme qui regne a l’etage. Il ramasse l’enveloppe addressée à « My special agent, » reçoit un coup de téléphone d’Andy. On frappe a la porte, Cooper va ouvrir et se fait tirer dessus par quelqu’un. C’est Josie (2016). | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Le Major Briggs reçoit le message « The owls are not what they seem » (« around the time I was shot, » Cooper a Briggs, episode 10) | |
Windom Earle s’echappe de l’asile psychiatrique ou il est interne. (Albert arrive le vendredi et en parle a Cooper le samedi.) |
Episode 9
4:45 | |
Le vieux serveur du Room Service amene à Cooper un lait chaud. Il raccroche le téléphone (alors qu’Andy est encore a l’autre bout) et dit a Cooper « I’ve heard about you. » | ![]() |
Le Geant apparait a Cooper et donne trois indice a Cooper : Il y a un homme dans un sac souriant, les hiboux ne sont pas ce qu’ils semblent, Sans chimie, il apparait…
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Jerry donne de l’heroine a Blackie | |
Audrey echappe de peu a Ben, Jerry appelle Ben:
Brother Ben, we got an S-N-A-G.
Cooper liste à Diane les choses qu’il aurait aimé avoir fait dans sa vie jusqu’a ce qu’Andy, Hawk, et Truman arrivent a son secours | |
7:45 | |
Lucy met au courant Cooper des derniers evenements. Truman et Doc Hayward sont presents.
Cooper: Doc, when the will is invoked, the recuperative powers of the physical body are simply extraordinary. Just give me a couple of hours to get dressed.
Shelly, dans son lit d’hopital, pleure en reclamant Bobby | |
Matin | |
Cooper voit le corps de Jacques emmené sur un chariot dans un sac.
Cooper: Is that bag smiling?
Truman: Smiling? Lucy: What’s there to smile about? |
Ronette a une vision, « Laura… » | |
Journee | |
Sarah demande a Maddy si Beth, sa mere, lui manque. Maddy decrit son reve et Leland arbore une nouvelle coupe (blanche) et chante Mairzy Doats: Mairzy doats and dozy doats and little lambzy divy. A kiddly divy, too, wooden shoe? Now if the words sounds queer, and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivy, Sing: Mares eat oats and does eats oats and little lambs eat ivy. A kid’ll eat ivy, too, wouldn’t you? Maddy voit quelque chose dans la moquette. [BOB dans la version européenne] |
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Ben et Jerry discutent. Ben veux savoir ce qui s’est passe pour Catherine et Leo. Leland arrive, toujours en train de chanter Mairzy Doats. Les deux freres dansent. | |
Cooper determine ce qui s’est passe chez Leo..
Cooper: Sheriff, get your mind off Shelly – for a moment.
Hawk trouve une bache sentant l’essence. Albert et son equipe arrivent. Andy marche sur une planche et marche comme un poule… Sous la planche se trouvent une paire de botte Circle Brand et de la cocaine. Albert: And it’s another great moment in law enforcement history.
Maddy retrouve Donna au RR et lui donne les lunettes de soleil de Laura qu’elle avait demande et casse les siennes. Elles decident de tenir secret les evènement de la nuit precedente au belvedere.
Donna: Maybe the sun won’t go up tomorrow if you wash your hair. Think like that and you’re gonna go crazy.
Norma donne a Donna une lettre arrive au double R la veille: » Look into the Meals on Wheels ». |
Albert examine Cooper: « You were shot by a right handed person 5 foot 6 to 5 foot 10 inches tall at a distance of less than 3 feet. » Cooper essaye de convaincre Albert d’accepter les habitants de Twin Peaks. Albert: Great. After the square dance, maybe we can all take a hayride.
Andy les informe que Leo etait en prison a Hungry Horse, Montana le 9/2/88. Albert: Where do they keep his water dish?
Le Manchot arrive au bureau du sheriff pour vendre des chaussures a Truman. | |
Truman interroge James. Cooper exige et obtiens de James le pendentif.
Cooper: Jacoby! I didn’t figure he had anything to do with this at all. Sometimes, you just get lucky.
Donna arrive au bureau du sheriff, portant les lunettes de Laura. Elle fume et rend visite a James dans sa cellule.
James: When did you start smoking?
Donna: I smoke every once in a while. Helps relieve tension. James: When did you get so tense? Donna: When I started smoking. |
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Cooper demande a Andy et Lucy de parcourir les exemplaire de Fleshworld depuis 3 ans a la recherche de Teresa Banks.
Cooper: Diane, just received the back issues of Fleshworld. Good work. It’s nice to see some cooperation with the law especially from a company that preys on human weaknesses.
Hayward examine Jacoby, qui se plaint de la nourriture de l’hopital. Cooper et Truman arrivent. Cooper interroge Jacoby a propos du pendentif.
Cooper: I don’t want any baloney, magic tricks or psychological mumbo jumbo.
Jacoby dit que la nuit d’après la mort de Laura, il a suivi Leo, l’a perdu de vue, puis a vu et suivi James et Donna et a alors déterré le pendentif.. Jacoby: Laura was, was in fact, no she was living a double life. Two people. Yeah, but then, then when I saw her that last time, she I dunno, she seemed to’ve reached a kind of peace with herself. Now I believe that what she in fact, she had arrived at was the decision to end her life.
Truman: Are you saying Laura wanted to die? Cooper: Doctor, Laura Palmer did not commit suicide. Jacoby: No, no, but maybe she allowed herself to be killed. Jacoby dit qu’il a senti une odeur d’huile brulé la nuit précedente. (En fait c’etait au belvedere, Jacoby a Cooper sous hypnose, 2003) |
Bobby rend visite a Shelly a l’hopital et lui apporte des fleurs. | |
Cooper, Truman, et Albert reperent Bobby a l’hopital.
Albert: Sheriff Truman, to see this kind of investigative genius at work is just a real treat for me.
Ils rencontrent Ed dans le hall. Ed: I never believed in fate, Agent Cooper. Always felt, you make your own way, you take care of your own, and you pick up after yourself.
Albert: Farmer’s Almanac? Cooper: Albert, I would like to speak to Ed. Truman: Albert, I’ll buy you a cup of coffee. Ed raconte son histoire : il sortait avec Norma au lycee mais a epouse Nadine et lui a tire dans l’oeil accidentellement pendant leur lune de miel. James arrive. Cooper voit le smiling bag. Albert se rend a l’hotel du Grand Nord pour prendre unc chambre. Cooper: Harry, when Albert finishes up at the Great Northern, we’ll meet back at the station. I’m ready to lay the whole thing out.
Truman: Rocks and bottles? Cooper: Chalk and blackboard will be just fine. Truman: Jelly donuts? Cooper: Harry, that goes without saying. |
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Doc a l’infirmiere: Nurse, I really mean it. You better speak to that kitchen.
Pete est degoute de la nourritude de l’hopital. |
Norma rend visite a Shelly dans sa chambre, puis voit Ed s’occupant de Nadine | |
Bobby tombe sur son pere au RR:
Major: « Bobby, may I share something with you? » Bobby: « Okay. » Major: « A vision I had in my sleep last night, as distinguished from a dream, which is mere sorting and cataloguing of the day’s events by the subconscious. This was a vision, fresh and clear as a mountain stream, the mind revealing itself to itself. In my vision, I was on the veranda of a vast estate, a palazzo of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light from within, this gleaming, radiant marble. I’d known this place. I had in fact been born and raised there. This was my first return. A reunion with the deepest well-springs of my being. Wandering about, I noticed happily that the house had been immaculately maintained. There’d been added a number of additional rooms, but in a way that blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the house’s grand foyer, there came a knock at the door. My son was standing there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced, a warm and loving embrace, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one. My vision ended and I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision of you. I’m so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best in all things. » Bobby: « Thank you Dad. »
Bobby semble emu. Hank demande a Briggs comment etait la tarte et le salut. |
Norma ne veut pas parler de Shelly et Bobby reconnait en Hank celui qui a tire sur Leo. | |
Cooper et Albert exposent leur theorie sur les evenements du 23/2:
Cooper: The night Laura Palmer was killed, it appears she made 2 appointments. In her diary, she had written, « Nervous about meeting J. tonight. » I now believe this was a reference to James Hurley. She was nervous because she planned to tell him she didn’t want to see him anymore. Before she snuck out of the house, she received a phone call.
Albert: We believe it was Leo Johnson making a second appointment for some time later that night. Cooper: Laura met James, was with him until 12:30 when, at the intersection of Sparkwood and 21, she jumped from the bike and ran into the woods. We believe that it was there that she met up with Jacques Renault, Leo Johnson and Ronette Pulaski. Together they drove to the foot of the trail leading to Jacques’ cabin. They climbed the trail, they were heard passing by the cabin of the Log Lady. They reached Jacques Renault’s cabin at approximately 1 am. Drugs and alcohol were consumed. Laura was tied up and had sexual relations with both Leo and Jacques. Waldo the bird was let out of his cage and attacked Laura. Leo and Jacques fought. Jacques went outside and passed out. When he came to, Leo and the girls were gone. We believe Leo hiked back down the trail to his Corvette alone, leaving the girls behind. Albert: The reason being, there was a third man. Cooper: Deputy Hawk found evidence of a third man outside the window of Jacques’ cabin. Albert: The third man took Laura and Ronette to the train car, where they were tied up. Laura for the 2nd time, Ronette for the 1st. Cooper: Using a blunt object, the killer hit Ronette and knocked her unconscious. He must’ve been so intent on killing Laura, he didn’t realize that Ronette regained consciousness and escaped. Albert: He either didn’t know or he didn’t care. He made a small mound of dirt and put the half heart necklace of Laura’s on top. He then placed a small cut out letter R under the nail of her left ring finger. You’ll recall he placed the letter T under the fingernail of Teresa Banks. He, uh, left a note written in blood, « Fire, walk with me. » Cooper: Here’s the interesting thing. The blood on the note was tested. It doesn’t match Leo’s, Jacques’, Laura’s or Ronette’s. Albert: So we surmise the killer wrote the note in his own blood. It’s a rare type, AB negative. The towel that Deputy Hawk found five miles down the tracks was soaked in blood of that type. He also found, near the towel, scraps of faded paper. Cooper: The scraps may have been left by the killer. They’ll be sent back to Washington DC for testing. {Andy pleure} Albert: I know, Andy, I know, I know, I know. It’s what we call a real three hanky crime. Andy: Albert Roserfelt. I don’t like the way you talk smart about Sheriff Truman or anybody. You just shut your mouth! {il sort} Cooper: Laura Palmer is dead. Jacques Renault is dead. Ronette Pulaski and Leo Johnson are in comas. Waldo the bird is dead. This leaves only the third man. |
Truman raccompagne Pete chez lui. Josie a laisse un mot; elle est partie a Seattle, elle y va faire du shopping tous les 3 mois. un asiatique (Jonathan) telephone et demande a parler a Josie, puis il fait un appel en PCV vers Hong Kong.
Pete: This smoke inhalation is nasty business. I feel like somebody taped my lips to the tailpipe of a bus.
Ben et Jerry rencontre Hank. Hank confirme qu’il a placé Catherine dans la scierie avant l’incendie et qu’il a tire sur Leo.
Hank: He was chopping wood.
Jerry: Chopping wood? Inside? Hank: Yeah, you know Leo. Jerry: Wait a minute. Chopping wood? Inside?! Hank: Yeah. You know Leo. Ils esperent mettre l’incendie sur le dos de Catherine et Leo. They hope to frame the arson on her and Leo. Ben: Hank, leave the creative thinking to the brothers Horne. You’re a bicep. Relax, until we say « flex. »
Audrey rencontre Blackie, qui n’est pas contente qu’elle n’ait pas satisfait le proprietaire. | ![]() |
Andrew aide Catherine a survivre (Catherine a Pete, 2014) | |
La nuit | |
Donna appelle Norma pour lui proposer de reprendre l’itinéraire de Laura dans le programme Meals on Wheels. Elle utilisera le break du double R. | ![]() |
Au diner, chez les Hayward, Gersten joue du piano et Harriet recite un poeme qu’elle a compose :
« It was Laura
And I saw her glowing. In the dark woods, I saw her smiling. We were crying And I saw her laughing. In our sadness, I saw her dancing. It was Laura Living in my dreams. It was Laura. The glow was life. Her smile was to say It was all right to cry. The woods was our sadness. The dance was her calling. It was Laura And she came to kiss me goodbye. » Donna est « assise sur ses mains ». Leland chante « Get Happy » et s’écroule. |
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23:55 (Cooper a Diane) | |
Cooper se couche.
Cooper: I’m dog tired. A man can only go long without submitting to a period of rest. For as we know from experiments conducted on American GI’s during the Korean War, sleep deprivation is a one way ticket to temporary psychosis. And I’m working on a 3 day jag.
Audrey prie pour que Cooper vienne a son secours. | ![]() |
Le Geant se manifeste a nouveau a Cooper:
Geant: « Sorry to wake you. »
Cooper: « I’m not dreaming. » Geant: « I forgot to tell you something. » Cooper: « You were right about the smiling bag. » Geant: « The things I tell you will not be wrong. Better to listen then to talk. » Cooper: « I believe you. » Geant: « Don’t search for all the answers at once. A path is formed by laying one stone at a time. One person saw the third man. Three have seen him, yes. But not his body. One only, known to you, ready now to talk. One more thing: you forgot something. » Cooper: « What? » { Flash of green gets zapped into Coop. He lies alone in the dark, blinking. } |
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Ronette a une nouvelle vision. le wagon de train, BOB avec Laura, morte et le monticule de poussiere. BOB courant, les dents clamping down Laura hurlant, BOB frappant. Laura morte, BOB riant. |
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